(Lycopersicon esculentum ‘Ice’)
This is a new generation tomato that has a clean sweet flavour and lots of late, pale cream fruit.
Flavours/Food Partners
Ice partners well with Latin herbs like garlic, oregano, marjoram, rosemary and thyme when cooked or when fresh it is enhanced by herbs like coriander, parsley, garlic chives and mint.
Like all tomatoes, it is high in the cancer fighting agent, Lycopene. This is enhanced by moderate cooking. It is also high in Vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. Serve in salads or lightly fry with shallots and Asian greens where the unusual colour adds interest to the presentation. Good for pasta sauces where tomato flavour is wanted but not the red colour.
Plant in an airy, sunny position in well drained soil or very large pots. Does not require a stake.
Like all tomatoes it must receive a deep soaking when almost dry and should not receive overhead watering. Feed regularly with Seasol and Powerfeed. A small amount of dolomite lime after planting will make stronger plants. Harvest when fruit is full color.
Herb Attributes
Height | 60CM |
Width | 50CM |