Carrot Purple

Small sweet coloUred carrots. Purple, white or yellow individuals.

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(Daucus carota ‘Cosmic Purple’)

Small sweet purple carrots. Colour of original wild carrots.

Growing Tips

Apply Seasol and Powerfeed at planting. Water regularly during growth cycle then harvest about 10 weeks after planting. Older carrots are larger but not as sweet.


Carrots taste good raw or cooked. Do not overcook as this reduces the health benefits. Steam or bake and serve with butter and honey or mixed herbs. Try thinly sliced and cooked on BBQ. Grate and serve with sliced apple, fresh coriander and grated fennel seeds. Purple carrots are high in antioxidants.

Herb Attributes

Harvest Harvest about 10 weeks after planting. Older carrots are larger but not as sweet.
Position Full sun
Height 15cm
Width 10cm
Lifespan Annual