Tomatillo Pineapple Ground Cherry

(Lycopersicon esculentum )

A popular crimson red medium tomato with great taste that tolerates low night temperatures, so it is ideal for cooler area. A Russian heirloom that is an early producer. A tough and vigorous producer that needs staking.

An attractive cultivar medium sized, scarlet red fruit that is full of flavour. Tolerant of cool night temperatures and ideal for cool climate gardens

Flavours/Food Partners

A rich flavored tomato that partners well with Latin herbs like garlic, oregano, marjoram, rosemary and thyme. Use with any good salad vegetable, Nasturtium flowers and mixed fresh herbs to make an attractive and tasty salad.


Like all tomatoes, Red Russian is high in the cancer fighting agent, Lycopene and also Vitamin C. For a classic rich sauce cook and mix with garlic, marjoram, sweet basil, diced shallots, and fresh pizza thyme. Finely dice, mix finely chopped shallots, fresh pesto basil and extra virgin olive oil and place on lightly toasted Turkish bread then top with an anchovie for a special homemade bruschetta.


Plant in an airy, sunny position in well drained soil or very large pots. Requires a 1.1 to 1.4 m stake.


Like all tomatoes it must receive a deep soaking when almost dry and should not receive overhead watering. Feed regularly with Seasol and Powerfeed. A small amount of dolomite lime after planting will make stronger plants. Remove side shoots and develop two or three main leaders. Harvest when fruit is full color

Herb Attributes

Position Full Sun
Height 1.2m
Width 50cm
Categories: ,


(Physalis pruinosa)

Compact, low growing shrub with bite sized and juicy yellow fruit that tastes like a mix between pineapple and sweet tomato. Eaten as a simple and sweet snack.

Flavours/Food Partners

The sweet and citrussy tomato flavour partners well with sweet herbs like mint, lemon and lime verbena and fruity sages. Not normally cooked but can be quartered and used in salads, for making stunning salsa or any strong flavoured dessert.


Tomatillo refers mostly to the large tomato sized fruit and these delectable little treats a called ground cherries. They come wrapped in their own little ‘paper’ bag (which is inedible and should be discarded) which goes brown and papery when ripe. They are also high in Vitamins 81, 82 and C plus a good source of dietary fibre and low in calories.


Plant in an airy, sunny position in well drained soil or very large pots. They will spread so need some space.


Water and mulch well at planting then feed regularly with Seasol and Powerteed. A small amount of dolomite lime after planting will make stronger plants. Harvest when the husk turns a light brown and the fruit comes away easily – from mid to late summer until first frost. Store for up to three weeks in cool dark place.


All parts of plant except the fruit are toxic and should not be eaten.

Herb Attributes

Height 50CM
Width 1.4M