Coriander Vietnamese

This herb has striking pointed leaves, lime green in colour with dark inner markings. With purple stems the whole plant evokes a wonderfully strong citrus aroma, with a taste to match. Similar to coriander, but with a lemon kick, it is used widely in the food of Vietnam in particular and its neighbouring countries.


(Polygonum odoratum (Coriander Vietnamese))

This herb has striking pointed leaves, lime green in colour with dark inner markings. With purple stems the whole plant evokes a wonderfully strong citrus aroma, with a taste to match. Similar to coriander, but with a lemon kick, it is used widely in the food of Vietnam in particular and its neighbouring countries.

Growing Tips

Very vigorous ground cover which loves constantly moist conditions.


Laksa Leaf withstands cooking better than coriander and will impart a subtle flavour to cooked dishes if added part way through the cooking. You can add to salads, bean sprouts, red and green peppers, eggs, curries, stir-fries, soups, pasta, coconut milk, meat dishes, fish, seafood, poultry and pork. Works well in any Asian or Vietnamese Cuisine.

Herb Attributes

Harvest When needed
Position Part to Full Sun. Can survive in low light situations
Height 50cm spreading
Lifespan Perennial