Mugwort Artemisia

A tough perennial growing to over a metre with attractive foliage and pretty small white flowers.



(Artemisia vulgaris)

A tough perennial growing to over a metre with attractive foliage and pretty small white flowers.

Growing Tips

It is tolerant of drought and just about any growing conditions. Mugwort can run away so the flowers should be removed prior to seed set. Hard prune after flowering.


All parts of the plant can be used either fresh or dried. It aids digestion, is used in herbal tobaccos and as part of a stuffing mix in fatty and strong flavored meats. Used as an insect repellant and the flowers were once used to flavour beer. Has been used for centuries in most forms of alternative medicines from Asia to Europe and North America. It has a strong slightly bitter taste and partners with strong or gamey meats and root vegetables.

Herb Attributes

Harvest Regularly.
Position Full Sun
Height 1.3m
Width 50cm
Lifespan Perennial